Advertising is known as a communication medium that provides information or rather persuade the target audience to buy the products offered, but behind that submitted information and persuasion, advertising can also affect people's lifestyles. Various strategies and means of persuasion of advertising, in addition to the appeal of a woman's body that has been commonly used, some ads that use a form of male body as an element which is highlighted in persuading the target audience. Through visual
observation of the ad footage milk supplement for men on television and analysis through various levels of meaning, to know how the ads tend to construct lifestyle target audiences. The results show that this ad approach the ideal male body shape and setting an upscale lifestyle as persuasion. Means of persuasion such as this turned out to be used to target specific segments of the single men of the ordinary classes and ordinary-looking, but dreaming to reach the upper class lifestyle. Such an approach is supported by the trend of ideal body building lifestyle prevailing in society. The aim of the study is to peel visual meaning shown in the ad as well as an understanding of the use of lifestyle as a strategy of persuasion in advertising.
Keywords: Advertising, Body, Lifestyle