The Exploration of Influential Factors toward Competitive Advantage on Digital Application Startup: Case Study on Indigo Incubator Program of Telkom: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016

Prasetiawan, Dodie Tricahyono

Informasi Dasar

92 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 9b
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 5

The rapid growth of Information, Communication and Telecommunication (ICT) in this digital era has been able to connect the resources that exist among humans, service offering, device, network and application to build a business ecosystem that makes the world becomes convergence and borderless. The domination of various research and development activities of ICT in Asia include Indonesia, shows that all of stakeholders in this industry have to continually indentifying the innovatiove solution either technology, business or product and services to have a significant role in the formation of end-to-end ICT ecosystem. TIMES service, especially IMES is a new business developed by Telkom in the New Economy Business area in the form of New Digital Services. Telkom performs the principles of creating, choosing, composing, chanelling and commercing to create the innovations of Digital Startups that will be managed to achieve maximum result in the Incubation Program of Telkom Group (Indigo). Through that stages, the management process is carried out to achieve the success of innovation.This study tries to identify the success of Startup in Incubation Program of Telkom Group (Indigo) to produce the successful digital product. The approach used in this study is a Qualitative Method that the researcher previously carried out several literature study on Startup and Innovation in general and tried to explore more detail together with the Expert and Starups that was assessed to have sucessfully producing digital product in the Pasar on Telkom’s Incubation Program. The group of factor is examined by Sustainable Competitive Advantage Model on the service industry as resource and skill variables that affects Sustainable Competitive Advantage including Synergy, Product, Process, Innovaton Management, Communicaton, Culture, Experience, Information of Technology, Innovation Skill, Functional Skill and Implementation Skill.

Keywords. Innovation; startup ; competitive; factors.




The Exploration of Influential Factors toward Competitive Advantage on Digital Application Startup: Case Study on Indigo Incubator Program of Telkom: Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
23p.; pdf file; 1079KB


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Prasetiawan, Dodie Tricahyono


Universitas Telkom




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