Employee performance is a major factor for the company in achieving company goals. There are
several factors that affect the performance improvement of employees, one of them is employee engagement. The
purpose of this research is to find out how high employee engagement factors, how high employee performance,
and the influence factors of employee engagement towards employee performance in Distribution Office PT
Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Distribution West Java. This research is quantitative. By using Slovin, its
analysis unit was 143 employees. Data is collected using a questionnaire containing 55 items. Analysis
techniques using path analysis and calculated data using IBM SPSS Version 23 for Windows. Descriptive
analysis shows that employee engagement factors are included in the high categories, where leadership is
75,66%, achievement 76,88%, camaraderie of 78,67%, equity 77,16%, and employee performance 76,92%. The
score of leadership thitung (1.306) < ttabel (1,960), so trimming method is done by removed it. After counting
back, simultaneous achievement, camaraderie, and equity had a significant influence of 71,7% on performance
of employees. Partially achievement had a significant influence of 51,20%, camaraderie 18,90%, and equity
23,10%.The conclusion, achievement, equity, and camaraderie has significant influence towards employee
performances, while leadership is not significant influence towards employee performance.
Keywords. employee engagement; employee performance; Sirota.