Factors Affecting The Intentions of Students to be Enterpreneurs Base on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Study at Telcom University 2012 and 2013): Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016

Mediany Kriseka Putri, Muhammad Dani Oktarian Nasution

Informasi Dasar

81 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 9b
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 5

Entrepreneurship at Telkom University is intended as a support for entrepreneurial spirit of the graduates. The support is given by debrief each department in Telkom University an Entrepreneurship subject. The purpose of this study is to replicate the Theory of Planned Behavior model towards student’s intention on Telkom University students through the Theory of Planned Behavior approach to 1) see how attitudes, subjective norms, and behavior control of the students after attending an entrepreneurship class; 2) know how the entrepreneurship intention of the students after attending an entrepreneurship class; 3) measure how much is attitudes, subjective norms, and behavior control can influence student’s entrepreneurship intentions after attending an entrepreneurship class. The population of this study is the students of Faculty of Business and Economics (FEB), Faculty of Business and Communications (FKB), Faculty of Creative Industry (FIK), Faculty of Applied Science (FIT), and Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FRI) class of 2012-2013 which is already took an entrepreneurship class. The sample size of this study is 344. This research is using quantitative study with Path Analysis method using SPSS 22.0 for windows. This study used a significance level of 5% and hypothesis testing performed simultaneously (entirely) and partially (individual). The result of the simultaneously test, the value Fvalue> Ftable so that H0 is refused and H1 is accepted, meaning attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral control significantly influenced student interest in entrepreneurship. Judging from the influence of simultaneous variables, students interest in entrepreneurship could be explained by 70.2% by attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral control, while the remaining percentage of 29.8% is influenced by other factors were not examined in this study. The test results showed from partial hypothesis t showed that value of tvalue of attitudes 8.704)>(1.960) so that H0 is refused and H1 is accepted, meaning that attitude significantly influenced student interest in entrepreneurship. The value of tvalue subjective norms is (4.872)>(1.960) so that H0 is refused and H1 is accepted, meaning subjective norms significantly influenced student interest in entrepreneurship. Behavioral control had tvalue (6.071)>(1.960) so that H0 is refused and H1 is accepted, meaning that behavioral control were significantly influenced student interest in entrepreneurship.




Factors Affecting The Intentions of Students to be Enterpreneurs Base on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) (Study at Telcom University 2012 and 2013): Proceeding of ISCLO (International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, October 26th 2016
10p.; pdf file; 1173KB


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Mediany Kriseka Putri, Muhammad Dani Oktarian Nasution


Universitas Telkom




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