Number of Internet users in Indonesia reached 88 million people in 2014. One of the business which using the internet is e- commerce. In Indonesia the potential of e-commerce greatest sales on September 2014 is in the field of travel. Booking flight tickets and hotel room reservation ranks at the top in the top five products or services to be purchased via online. In Indonesia there are many distribution channels that provide the sales of flight ticket and booking of hotel rooms, one of them through e- commerce. E-commerce in Indonesia with the highest interest is was ranked 97th as a popular website. To win the competition with the others e-commerce businesses which providing the same services, Traveloka use direct marketing in the form of e-mail marketing to influence consumers to make purchasing decisions.
The purpose of this research was to find out the influence of marketing through e-mail marketing towards purchasing decision.
This research requires the sample as much as 384 respondents with purposif sampling techniques. This research uses techniques of descriptive statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, regression, classic assumption test lienear simple as well as the coefficient of determination.
The results of the analysis of research data is obtained that the regression coefficient of the variable E-mail marketing at Traveloka (X) gets positive values i.e. of 0.716 which means each variable e-mail marketing increased by one unit, then the Online purchasing decisions (Y) will be increased by 0.716. The influence of e-mail marketing toward the decision of purchasing is 47,6%.
Keywords: E-mail marketing, purchasing decisions