The objective of this paper is to discover and analyze the factors of customer revisit intention among guests of a restaurant. The restaurant in context is Dapoer Pandan Wangi Sunda Resto. Dapoer Pandan Wangi Sunda Resto is one of well-known Sundanese restaurant in Bandung. This subject can help them to maintain existing customers and enhance their repeat purchases to gain profit. The factors are food quality, atmosphere, and perceived price value. This research also examines the relationship between customer satisfaction to revisit intention. Researcher use regression analysis as research method, with revisit intention as dependent variables and factors studied as independent variables. The data were gathered using questionnaire and distributed to customers who had visited Dapoer Pandan Wangi Sunda Resto. Based on the results, only food quality and overall customer satisfaction has significant influence to revisit intention. Among those variables, customer satisfaction has the most influence towards revisit intention. The result will be functional for restaurant operators to take effective steps in order to engage more customers to revisit.
Keywords : Revisit intention ; Customer satisfaction ; Restaurant