The Analysis of LINE Instant Messenger Based on Business Ethic


Informasi Dasar

27 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

Technology is developing rapidly and has significant impact on human life. Internet and social media are the result of technological developments, social media becomes electronic communication, makes communication easier for users to have interaction. This condition becomes a potential opportunity to create a business or expand a business in social media. LINE instant messenger as an application for sharing informations and messages has a lot of business activities since the users are young people and adults, but with a lot of business activites in LINE instant messenger create some of the activities violate code of business ethic economically and morally. This research aims to know the preference of business ethic in LINE instant messenger and the user perception of the business activities in the LINE instant messenger. This research includes descriptive research with quantitative approcah. The research subjects are LINE users who actively follow the business activities in LINE instant messengger as many as 400 people. Data collection tehcnique uses questionnaire. All of valid instruments in questionnaire and the data are processed using SPSS version 23 windows and Ms.Excel 2013. The data analysis in this research uses descriptive analysis, crosstab analysis and correlation analysis chi-square. Results showed that : Business ethic in LINE instant messenger in terms of autonomy principle majority in good category (71%), honesty principle in business activities of LINE instant messengger in quite good category (60,15%), justice principle in business activities of LINE instant messengger in quite good category (66,08%), mutual benefit-principle in business activities of LINE instant messengger in quite good category (55,20%), and moral integirty-principle in business activities of LINE instant messengger in quite good category (65,43%), while according to user perception in busines activities of LINE instant messengger majority in quite good category (59,95%) and from crosstab analysis 69 people who have business ethics low, 20 people (5%) have user perception in quite good level, 248 people who have business ethics in quite good level, 128 people (32%) have user perception in quite good level and from 83 people who have high level of business ethics, there are 37 people (9.25%) have user perceptions in quite good level. Based on statistical calculations Chi-Square test at 163.95 and P-value = 0.000. Therefore, the value of P-value less than 5% or 0.000 <0.05, there is a relationship or correlation business activities in LINE Instant Messenger based on Business Ethics to the perception of users. It means H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Correlation analysis showed that there is high correlation between two variables.




The Analysis of LINE Instant Messenger Based on Business Ethic


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Universitas Telkom




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