Media Power Relation in The Leadership Succession of Yogyakarta Sultanate (Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis to The Program “Indonesia Satu” Net.TV Episode of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X): Proceeding (ICOTIC) November 2016

M. Sufyan Abdurrahman

Informasi Dasar

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Yogyakarta is the title as a "special area", where the monarchy in Yogyakarta recognized in the form of a republic that embraces the democratic system. The specialty of Yogyakarta which has been regulated in Law No. 13 of 2012 requires the Governor of Yogyakarta is the person holding the Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace. Problems in the internal environment of the palace began to emerge when the Sultan HB X does not have a son as heir to the throne of the king. When the Sultan considered prepare his eldest daughter to become heir to the throne, some nobles Keraton reject the decision because it is considered incompatible with "paugeran" prevailing in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. This paper wants to unravel how the leadership succession in Yogyakarta which raises the pros and cons from the perspective of language and power in the media. The method used is the analysis approach waacana critical (critical discourse analysis) model of Norman Fairclough. The purpose of this study is to describe aspects of language used in representing the succession of leadership in Yogyakarta. It also describes the relationship between the ideology of the media, in this case with aspects of language are produced, and to describe the social, political, and cultural background aspects of language use. In this study, using the theory about the relation of language, power and ideology of Michel Foucault to see and analyze how the leadership succession in Yogyakarta in the perspective of the media discourse.




Media Power Relation in The Leadership Succession of Yogyakarta Sultanate (Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis to The Program “Indonesia Satu” Net.TV Episode of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X): Proceeding (ICOTIC) November 2016
22p., PDF FILE; 463KB


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M. Sufyan Abdurrahman


Universitas Telkom




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