Meaning Of Cultural Legacy For Kaili Community In Palu City (Hermeneutic Study: Local Wisdom For Kaili-Da’a Community): Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2016

Mahpuddin, Muzahid Akbar Hayat,

Informasi Dasar

315 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 7a
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 4

Palu city now on inhabited with many ethnics and the level of economic disparity. Presence of comers group (Chinese, Java, Gorontalo, Arabian, and Bugism) show tendency dominated of accessibility and power of economic in middle and big scale. Meanwhile Kalili ethnic slow respond of change and dynamic of competition, thereby eliminate the role of Kaili ethnic in traditional economic sector like farming, fishing, trader, labor, and scavenger. The backwardness economic conditions in local ethnics are not viewed as phenomenal small group individually sole, but it’s strong rooted of cultural situation that create consciousness, viewpoints, collective ethos of cultural community. Spirit or survival power that sustain of existence ancestor Kaili ethnic in the past, now on has lost adaptation relevance. Trend in defending of tradition legacy to rigid, in immanent broke from inside making destruction threat potency that not sourced from outside but from inside of tradition it self. When local ethnic have stagnant in cultural adaptation and hard to handle the problem of pressure of changes who come from outside, is that historical condition? Even though the ancestor know who have good ability in adapt in nature environment. Live in-group, fight tropical climate threat that exhaust farming land that prove good ability in survive of live. The strategy, method, and technic of adaptation in environment that become tradition mores in the past should view as limited responsive in this situation era. This research to effort vertehen (understanding) with reveal meaning of cultural-historical as tradition legacy in past for relevance in context updated. As potential pretention to dialogue or connected between tradition legacy with community it self. With social hermeneutics approach, the researchers do the meaning of many kind of culture expression as symbolic universal that present world insight that create consciousness about how to existence. The result of this research expect to inside of purpose of the research in returning cultural identity and to revitalization value of traditional wisdom as starting point for improvement local ethnic.




Meaning Of Cultural Legacy For Kaili Community In Palu City (Hermeneutic Study: Local Wisdom For Kaili-Da’a Community): Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2016
16p., PDF FILE; 333KB


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Mahpuddin, Muzahid Akbar Hayat,


Universitas Telkom




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