The Effect of Website Factor toward online Buying Decision (A Study to Indonesia University Of Computer Higher Students in Bandung) : Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2016

Agung Rahayasa, Rah Utami Nugrahani

Informasi Dasar

314 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 1
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 1

Nowadays, online selling and buying is often done by many people. The online forums have also grown simultaneously. Many of them use the media buying and online selling as a place to conduct transactions. This phenomenon is now favored by many people, including to the higher students because involving the easiness to facilitate ongoing trading activities. The writer used quantitative research to know the effect of online website buying toward the online buying decision with Indonesia University of Computer as respondents. The correlation coefficient score between Web Design variable and Online Buying Decision was 0.231 which indicates a positive relationship. It can be concluded that the hypothesis H0 can be accepted, which means the higher the score the higher Online Buying Decision. The correlation coefficient score between Website Reliability variable and Online Buying Decision variable was 0.223 which indicates a positive relationship. It can be concluded that the hypothesis H0 can be accepted, which means the higher the score of Website Reliability, the higher the Online Buying Decision. The correlation coefficient score between Trust variable and Online Buying Decision was 0.537 which indicates a positive relationship to the higher the score of Trust, the higher the Online Buying Decisions

Keywords: Online Transaction, Quantitative, Buying Decision




The Effect of Website Factor toward online Buying Decision (A Study to Indonesia University Of Computer Higher Students in Bandung) : Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2016


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Agung Rahayasa, Rah Utami Nugrahani


Universitas Telkom




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