Lebak Muncang Tourism Village is the one of tourist destinations in Ciwidey Bandung Regency. Every tourism place have their own uniqueness. Local wisdom becomes a differentiator owned by Lebak Muncang Tourism Village. This is becoming one of the Unique Selling Point (USP) then implemented in media of advertising aimed at teenagers as potential travelers. An advertising media is designed in such a way with viewing some sides of the product benefits, consumer insight and competitor analysis. Those three of them are then observed and in the end it can be a message that will be delivered and of those messages into keywords that will be implemented on an advertising media. Qualitative method with descriptive approach used in this study by collecting data through observation, interviews, literature, and some of documents. This method is used to descriptively describe on a facts and data contained in the object of research. Every tourism destinations are always using same media advertising whether in form of poster or promotional video. But what differentiate them are the characteristics of each tourism places which then be adapted well to the intended target audience.
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Lebak Muncang Tourism Village, Media, Advertising