Most of Indonesian people work in agriculture field. Agricultural activities have a broad scope which could support economic growth and people’s prosperity. However, the current condition in Indonesia is very unfortunate because Indonesian import numbers of agriculture product is still high, whereas Indonesian agricultural products are abundant. The number of investment in agriculture field in Indonesia also declined, whereas one of the main problems perceived by the majority of farmers in Indonesia to develop their agricultural business is due to lack of capital. Thus, a solution is needed to overcome these problems. In this study, e-commerce Tanduran was made. Indonesian farmers are able to expand their business by seeking investment funds using this e-commerce Tanduran. The investment search system used is debt-based crowdfunding. With debt-based crowdfunding, farmers could upload an open proposal in e-commerce Tanduran to obtain investment funds from one of the investors listed in the system, with financial rewards as their agreement. This website development is using iterative incremental method which enables to do some changes of the development that has been done. Analysis and design of e- Tanduran commerce is using UML and programming languages using PHP framework CodeIgniter. The usability testing is using blackbox testing to the user. Results of this research is an investment submenu in e-commerce Tanduran which can bring together the farmers and the investors to cooperate without having to meet directly, in order to help Indonesian farmers to to get investment to develop their agricultural business via online anytime and anywhere.
Keywords — investment, Tanduran, crowdfunding, agriculture, iterative incremental