Conventional drying process is still constrained by weather, wide of drying area and minimum of hygiene products. For the example in case of tapioca crackers drying process speend 10 hours when the weather is bright. But when the weather is cloudy or rainy then tapioca crackers can be dried for 2 to 5 days. Small medium enterprise (SME) processing tapioca crackers also requires an area of 60 x 10 meters as a drying area. Tapioca crackers also have a low hygiene because contaminated by germs or dirt from the open environment. Oven multi-function dual energy is the appropriate technology is designed to solve the problems faced by the small medium enterprise (SME). This technology can use solar thermal or gas heat for drying of various types of products. The results of the analysis feasibility study in the technical and operational aspects show that the investment oven multi-function dual energy is feasible to be implemented on a small industrial processing tapioca crackers which has a maximum production capacity is about 1.3 kw tapioca flour / day or 31200 pieces tapioca crackers / day. In addition, the drying capacity of the oven multi-function dual energy can accommodate 32000 for once drying process. The experiment results of tapioca crackers drying process using a prototype of oven multi-function dual energy shows that the optimum temperature to dry the crackers is 70°C with a time of 2.5 hours and only spend 0.4 kg of gas (in pilot project use 0.8 kg of gas / day). The results of the feasibility analysis in financial aspect show NPV is Rp165,788,070 before using the oven and NPV is Rp231,741,027 after using the oven; IRR is 22.34% before using the oven and IRR is 29.29% after using the oven; incremental ROR is 51.06%. These results indicate that investment oven multi-function dual energy is the best alternative to be implemented on a small medium enterprise (SME) processing tapioca crackers.