Managers of today continue to face new opportunities and challenges. These opportunities include much publicized task like Florida’s University Studios opening a new Harry Potter attraction and Apple encouraging technology innovation beyond the iPad and the iPhone. At the same time, other companies face intense challenges, such as BP’s task of cleaning up an oil well leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Perhaps because these opportunities and challenges are so daunting, managers today arguably have the ability to earn higher financial reward than at any other time in history.
This 12th edition of the Modern Management Learning Package, this text plus its ancillaries, continues the recognized and distinctive tradition in management education that has extended more than 30 years. As in previous edition, this current edition of the Modern Management Learning Package has focused on a single objective: maximizing student learning of critical management concept. All revisions reflect instructor and student feedback regarding ways to refashion the package to further enhance student learning. Starting with the text, the following section explain each major component of this revision.