IMPROVING BUSINESS PROCESS IN CONSTRUCTING RENCANA STRATEGI DISKOPERINDAG USING BUSINESS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT (BPI) METHOD(Fulfilling the Requirements of Minister of Home Affair Regulation Number 54 of 2010 and ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.3)


Informasi Dasar

113 kali
658.401 3
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

DISKOPERINDAG of Bandung Regency has a role in preparing the development planning document of Bandung Regency, one of them is Renstra (Rencana Strategi). In the existing condition, the DISKOPERINDAG has some problem regarding the incompatibility of the design of the Renstra with the regulated law which is The Minister of Home Affair Regulation Number 54 of 2010. This research is objected to improve the business process of constructing Renstra DISKOPERINDAG based on requirement of The Minister of Home Affair Regulation Number 54 of 2010 and the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.3 to solve the problem encountered and to ensure that the Renstra able meet the customer’s requirement. Method used in this research is Business Process Improvement (BPI). Improvement is started by identifying the gap between existing business process and the business process based on The Minister of Home Affair Regulation Number 54 of 2010 and the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.3. The result of the gap will be the input for activity analysis. The activities will be categorized as RVA, BVA or NVA. The improvement of the business process is performed by streamlining the activities based on the needs and the issue on each activity. In data collecting stage, there are 5 activities the existing business process of constructing Renstra while in the proposal business process, there are 22 activities. The result of the activity analysis shows that there are 14 activities categorized as RVA, 13 activities as BVA and 0 NVA activity. The improvement tools used in this research are RACI and streamlining tools such as upgrading and simplification. The proposal business process of constructing Renstra will be put on a written procedure to ensure sure that every activity is well-documented and facilitate consistent conformance for the people involved. The result of this research is 1 SOP of Renstra construction and 7 work instruction to support the SOP.




IMPROVING BUSINESS PROCESS IN CONSTRUCTING RENCANA STRATEGI DISKOPERINDAG USING BUSINESS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT (BPI) METHOD(Fulfilling the Requirements of Minister of Home Affair Regulation Number 54 of 2010 and ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.3)


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Sri Widaningrum, Atya Nur Aisha


Universitas Telkom




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