Products is become a "vehicle" to build and deliver the experience to user that what makes it one of the important factors in the success of product marketing. Development in mobile technology and the rapid growth of mobile device ownership has become a worldwide phenomenon. Research In Motion (RIM) introduced the phenomenal Blackberry Messenger (BBM) application. (the combination of) BBM and qwerty can provide special experience for Blackberry users. While. Apple Inc. using iOS as their platform which provides variety of unique mobile applications and interesting User Interface. Until 2010. the data shows that Blackberry consumers in Indonesia are still on top of the list. but however iOS consumers are still growing. Even though Blackberry consumers is on top of the list. but Apple revenue is greater than Blackberry's. Therefore. this research will compare User Experience of mobile device consumer based 017 Blackberry vs iOS operating system. This research is using survey method to collect data and t-test statistical tools to lest hypothesis. Survey consisted of 17 items to measure five dimensions of User Experience (UX). Respondents' mobile consumer devices based on 10S operating system has a better UX than Blackberry consumers. Apple Inc. successfully marketed iO,S. through UX because of its high marketability value. iOS successfully delivered special (IX with unique mobile applications that they specifically provide for iOS users. This is because mobile applications. technology. or features in iOS perceived as a new and unique innovations, such as touch screen. pinch-to-zoom. slide to unlock. RIM has not been able to marketed Blackberry through UX, Blackberry consumers are not given a long term experience because the consumer is easily bored and the use of Blackberry does not give burst the user confidence. Consumers buy Blackberry only for one
application that is 1313:14.
Keywords: Mobile device. Operating system. user Experience