In the last few years there is substantial growth of internet-based services, both from pure internet business and from traditional companies that developing online services. The key challenges for doing this business is to make their customer satisfied. is one of the oldest B2C e-commerce in Indonesia. Unfortunately, there was increasing trend of customers complaints to, it shows the decreasing level of customer satisfaction.There is no published research yet which study the significant effect of factors in customer satisfaction in term of online service quality. Thus, this study intends to research the customer satisfaction of
The objectives in this study is to test whether the service quality has positive significant influence on customer satisfaction of Five dimensions of online service quality has been selected in this research.
To achieve this objective, researcher using the model of Saha and Zhao and a questionnaire based on the items referred to Zeithaml. Likert scale used to measure each items in the questionnaire. Multiple regression, and descriptive-quantitative method used to explain the results of questionnaire. A questionnaire use to gain more information regarding the studies.
From the statistical results, obtained the following regression equation: Y = 0.138 X1 + 0.249 X2 + 0.311 X3+ 0.194 X4 + 0.181 X5. Based on statistical data analysis, all the items measured in this study are valid and reliable. In the classical assumption test, regression models are multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity free, and has normal distribution. Sequence individually from each of the most influential variable is the responsiveness with a regression coefficient of 0.311 and privacy with a regression coefficient of 0.181, followed by reliability with 0.249 coefficient and fulfillment with a regression coefficient 0.194 while the least influential variable is efficiency with a regression coefficient of 0.136.
Based on the analysis, need to fix their Responsiveness service quality dimensions. The lacking of the company responsiveness especially in products return and guarantee effect the most to the customer satisfaction of To increase the satisfaction level of the customer, need to fix their responsiveness and improve the other dimensions of online service quality.