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146197 results (page 7998/14620)
International Research Journal of Business Studies, Vol 7 No. 1 April - July 2014
Aria Farah Mita, et al
Prasetiya Mulya Business School, 2014
Klasifikasi Journal of Management, Journal of Business
Jurnal Terakreditasi DIKTI - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
The Influence Of Corporate Governance Mechanism On The Relationship Between Related Party Transactions And Earnings Management (P.1-12) Aria Farah Mita, Sidharta Utama Sustainable Development Strategy For Improving The Competitiveness Of Oil Palm..selengkapnya..
International Research Journal of Business Studies, Vol 7 No. 2 August - November 2014
Nugraha Natasaputra, et al
Prasetiya Mulya Business School, 2014
Klasifikasi Journal of Management, Journal of Business
Jurnal Terakreditasi DIKTI - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
1. The Effect of Labor Flexibility on Firm Performance in Indonesian Telecommunication Industry (P.79-90) Nugraha Natasaputra, Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti 2. The Role of Organizational Leadership to Enhance Top 10 CSR Issues and Trends..selengkapnya..
International Research Journal of Business Studies, Vol 7 No. 3 Desember 2014 - March 2015
Amel Hatem Alkhaldi, et al
Prasetiya Mulya Business School, 2015
Klasifikasi Journal of Management, Journal of Business
Jurnal Terakreditasi DIKTI - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
The Transfer of HRM Policies and Practices in American Multinational Hotels in Saudi Arabia (P.155-164) Amal Hatem Alkhaldi, John Burgess, Julia Connell The Effect of Ethnocentrism and Image of Asian Industrialised Countries on Perceived..selengkapnya..
International Research Journal of Business Studies, Vol 8 No. 1 April - July 2015
Dyah Setyaningrum, et al
Prasetiya Mulya Business School, 2015
Klasifikasi Journal of Management, Journal of Business
Jurnal Terakreditasi DIKTI - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
1. How Indonesian Accounting Education Providers Meet The Demand of The Industry (1-11) Dyah Setyaningrum, Ali Muktiyanto, Ancella A Hermawan 2. The Impacts of ALMA Primary Variables on Profitability An Empirical Study..selengkapnya..
Perpustakaan Nasional Peran dan Kiprah : National Library Roles And Achievement
Arya Pandu Prakarsa
Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, 2009
Klasifikasi Government Libraries
Buku - Reference (Hanya Baca di Tempat) (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
Government Libraries
Visi Pustaka - Vol. 18 No. 1 - April 2016
Thoriq, et al
Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, 2016
Klasifikasi Library and information sciences- Education, research, related topics
Jurnal Nasional - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 2 koleksi
total 2 koleksi
1. Perpustakaan Data : Sebuah Pengamatan Terhadap University of Toronto Map and Data Library Thoriq Tri Prabowo 2. Evaluasi Ketersediaan Artikel Jurnal Akses Terbuka untuk Cabang Ilmu Minyak dan Gas..selengkapnya..
Laporan Individual Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Kepustakawanan di Perpustakaan Telkom University Semester Genap Tahun 2015/2016
Tantan Hadian
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2016
Klasifikasi Library, Information science
Laporan Magang - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
Laporan Individual Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Kepustakawanan di Perpustakaan Telkom University Semester Genap Tahun 2015/2016
Fuji Muliasari
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2016
Klasifikasi Library, Information science
Laporan Magang - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
The Good Dinosaur
Vision, 2016
Klasifikasi Animated films, Cartoon films, Computer animated films. Puppet films
DVD - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 6 koleksi
total 6 koleksi
From the innovative minds of Disney Pixar comes a hilariously heartwarming adventure about the power of confronting and overcoming your fears and discovering who you are meant to be. The Good..selengkapnya..
Pororo The Little Penguin
Emperor, 2014
Klasifikasi Animated films, Cartoon films, Computer animated films. Puppet films
DVD - Reference (Non-Sirkulasi)
tersedia 1 koleksi
total 1 koleksi
Nun jauh disana, di sebuah pulau bersalju putih terdapat desa terpencil yang dihuni oleh sekelompok hewan lucu dan mungil. Walau jauh dari peradaban manusia, mereka hidup damai dan sejahtera. Pororo,..selengkapnya..