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Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Human Resources Management


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Examining job performance as a concept can be done in a number of ways including the ability of an employee to achieve their targets and organizational standards. The employee’s performance in School of Economic and Business of Telkom University shows a fluctuation over period of time between 2014 until 2015, meaning that there are some factors which have not well managed and met the target. Talent management in the School of Economic and Business is 67 % means that there are many elements in the management of talent that should be improved and the job satisfaction is still below the target and not optimal.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the level of talent management, determine the level of job satisfaction, determine the level of job performance, and determine the impact of talent management and job satisfaction towards employee’s job performance in School of Economic and Business of Telkom University

This research was conducted in School of Economic and Business of Telkom University by using talent management and job satisfaction as the independent variables and job performance as dependent variable. This type of research is a causal using quantitative-descriptive analysis method. A direct survey had been distributed to the 36 lecturers in School of Economic and Business as the respondents. The analysis that used is multiple linear regression analysis.

Based on the research results showed the respondent’s assessment of talent management and job satisfaction included in high category, and performance is included in the very high category. This research found that talent management (X1) and job satisfaction (X2) have simultaneously and partially impact to the employee’s job performance in School of Economic and Business of Telkom University. The further study could consider about the other independent variables which are not included in this research and could wider the population by taking the all employee in Telkom University as the population, also could consider about using the path analysis statistical technique to describe the directed dependencies among set of variables. In order to increase the employee’s job performance, the organization needs to recognize and reward the employee’s good work regarding about retain the talent. The organization also should increase the employee’s salary according to their contribution regarding to their job satisfaction

Keywords: Talent management, job satisfaction, job performance

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Penyunting Ratri Wahyuningtyas


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2017


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