A Celebration of Entrepreneurship Scholarship / P. Koveos
A Country-Level Assesment of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Appalachia Using Simultaneous Equations / M.N. Mojica, T.G. Gebremedhin, P..V. Schaeffer
Differences Between Female and Male Entrepreneurs' Use Bootstrap Financing / L. Neeley, H Ven Auken
Microfinance in Culture of Non-Repayment / M.J. Epstein, K. Yuthas
Conservation Area Start-Ups: Combining Theory and Practice / N.S. Wright, et al.
Etrepreneurship in Transitional Economies: Review and Integration of Two Decades od Research / I.M. Manev, T.S. Manolova
Export Initiation in Small Locally-Owned Firms from Emerging Economies: The Role of Personal Factor / D.A. Williams