Whether your company uses discrete, process, or repetitive manufacturing, this book is here to break down the different production planning processes that you can use in SAP ERP. You'll learn the elements that are common to each process, and then explore the detailed configuration steps for each type of manufacturing approach. Use the expert tips throughout the book to increase the effectiveness of your supply chain, and save time and money.
*Find in-depth information on discrete, process, and repetitive manufacturing types
*Work with detailed configuration steps and the business processes to tie everything together
*Understand the tools you need to optimize your PP processes and how to use them
Configuration Basics
Learn what discrete, process, and repetitive manufacturing are, and then set them up in your SAP ERP system.
Production Type Workflow
After configuration, you'll understand how to tweak your system to meet your specific business processes and discover which production type works best for your needs.
System Optimization
Understand the extras that SAP provides. Make the PP component yours by adding notes, signature requirements, and co-products and by-products to your processes.
*SAP Demand Management
*Long-term planning
*Material requirements planning
*Digital signature
*Shift notes and reports
*Early Warning System
*Flexible planning