ABSTRAKSI: Demi memenuhi kebutuhan user akan mudahnya berbagi file secara mudah, aman, dan terpercaya dalam lingkungan Institut Teknologi Telkom khususnya di Fakultas Informatika, dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat memenuhi keinginan user tersebut.
Proyek akhir yang berjudul “Pembangunan Repository Online IF-File Fakultas Informatika Institut Teknologi Telkom dengan Client berbasis Android” ini memiliki fungsionalitas seperti mengupload berbagai macam ekstensi file, mendownload file yang telah diupload, memberikan penilaian terhadap file yang diupload, serta mensubscribe user yang telah memiliki akun yang sangat berguna untuk aktifitas berbagi file yang mudah, aman dan terpercaya dilingkungan Institut Teknologi Telkom.
Kata Kunci : user, Repository, online , client, Android, upload, download, file, subscribeABSTRACT: In order to give fulfilled of user requirement for sharing file easily, secure and trusted, inside Telkom Institut of Technology environment, especially in Informatics Faculty an application is needed to meet that user requirement.
Final Project is designed with title “Development ofOnlineRepositoryIF-File Telkom Institute of TechnologyFaculty ofInformaticswithAndroid-based Client” has functionality, such as uploading any kind of file extentions, download an uploaded file, give the review of uploaded file and subscribing user that already has an account, that very usefull for easy, secure and trusted file sharing activity in Telkom Institut Technology environment.Keyword: user, Repository, online , client, Android, upload, download, file, subscribe