ABSTRAKSI: With not very big area and total customer of 378 points which spread, the CATV coax network is very possible to be realized in asrama STT Telkom. And it is able to serve the services i.e telephony,analog tv broadcast, video on demand, and the internet. The performance of the network is very good and fulfill the standard that has been defined, which are up to 48 dB for CNR, up to 53 dB for CTB, CSO, and XMOD.
Pada perancangan BTS indoor flexi yang dilakukan di RSIA Hermina sangatlah berbeda dengan perancangan jaringan indoor di tempat publik lainnya, karena perancangan dirumah sakit perlu memperhitungkan pengaruh perancangan tersebut terhadap peralatan-peralatan medis yang sangat sensitif. Untuk itu diperlukan kajian dan perancangan yang teliti serta akurat di rumah sakit. tersebut supaya efek EMI (Electromagnetic Interfernce) yang ditimbulkan tidak sampai mengganggu peralatan medis yang sensitif sehingga hasil perancangan lebih optimal.
Tujuan dari penulisan proyek akhir ini adalah perancangan BTS Indoor Flexi di RSIA Hermina dengan mensimulasikannya pada software RPS (Radiowave Propagation simulator) dan AutoCad sebagai pembuatan peta dan kemudian di upload ke RPS. Ruangan-ruangan yang sensitif terhadap EMI yakni lanta 1, lantai 2, lantai 3, lantai 4. Perancangan BTS Indoor Flexi ini dimulai dari pengukuran dengan menggunakan drive test untuk mengetahui besarnya daya pancar dari BTS sekitar sebagai dasar bahwa sinyal dilokasi tersebut memang lemah.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: The lack of coverage from Flexi BTS is causing droop call in The RSIA Hermina hospital Daan Mogot continuously; although the Hospital is a public area.
In the designing, The Indoor Flexi BTS of RSIA Hermina network is rather uniquely different from the other public area network. The reason is because in the hospital network designing needs to calculate the effects from the network device to minimize the negative impacts on medical instrument. An exact analysis and accurate designing is highly required to solve the problem. The main problem of this designing to reduce the effects the Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) on the medical device so that the performance of the network could be maximal.
The purpose of this Final Project is to design an Indoor Flexi BTS at the RSIA hospital Daan Mogot and to simulate it on Radio wave Propagation Simulator (RPS) and also AutoCAD Software. The highly-sensitive rooms from EMI in the hospital are suspected of floor 1, 2, 3 and 4. The designing will starts from the calculation using drive test simulation to find out the measure of propagation gain from surrounding BTS as a basic standard.Keyword: -