ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan system informasi saat ini sudah sangat pesat. Sebagai akibatnya, basis data, yang merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari system informasi juga bertambah besar. Permasalahan muncul ketika sistem informasi yang umumnya menggunakan basis data tersentralisasi mendapatkan load data yang besar ketika mengakses sistem. Oleh karena itu, ada basis data terdistribusi. Basis data terdistribusi ada dua jenis, yaitu basis data terdistribusi homogen, dan basis data terdistribusi heterogen.
Dalam tugas akhir ini, dibahas mengenai implementasi basis data terdistribusi heterogen dan analisis performansinya yang diukur dari response time dan troughput dan dibandingkan hasil performansi basis data terdistribusi homogen. Adapun studi kasus yang digunakan adalah sistem registrasi matakuliah di IT Telkom.
Hasil akhir yang didapat dalam tugas akhir ini berupa perbandingan nilai response time dan troughput antar basis data homogen dan basis data heterogen. Dengan hasil, basis data homogen lebih baik dibandingkan basis data heterogen berdasarkan parameter pengujian, yaitu response time dan troughput.
Kata Kunci : basis data terdistribusi, DBMS, homogen, heterogen, performansi, response time, troughput.ABSTRACT: In this periode, information system has been developing fast. As return, databases, which are one of important part of information system also growing bigger. Problems begin when information system which is commonly useing centralized database get high data load that accessing the system. Distributed database came to solve that problems. There are two type of distributed database, they are homogeneous distributed database and heterogeneous distributed database.
This final task discussed about heterogeneous distributed database implementation and its performance analysis which is measured from response time and troughput and compared with homogeneous distributed performance result. Case study which used in this final task is course registration system in IT Telkom.
Final result obtained from this final task form in comparation response time and troughput value between homogeneous distributed database and heterogeneous distributed database. With result, homogeneous distributed database is better from heterogeneous distributed database according testing parameter, which are response time and troughput.
Keyword: distributed database, DBMS, homogeneous, heterogeneous, performance, response time, troughput.