Desain dan Implementasi<br /> Pendekatan Artificial Immune System pada Network<br /> Intrusion Detection System<br /> Design and Implementation of<br /> Artificial Immune System Aproach<br /> for Network Intrusion Detection System

Agra Rizqa Cendrajaya

Informasi Dasar

132 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Banyak dari mekanisme yang terdapat pada biological immune system
(contohnya human imune system) yang dipercaya cocok untuk diadaptasikan pada
computer intrusion detection dalam bentuk artificial immune system karena
biological immune system terbukti mampu melindungi makhluk hidup terhadap
serangan dari pathogen dengan kuat, mandiri. dan terdistribusi.
Pada tugas akhir ini didesain pengadopsian mekanisme biological immune
system dan kemudian iimplementasikan pada anomaly-based network intrusion
detection system.
Network intrusion detection system ini kemudian akan di uji pada jaringan
nyata maupun pada jaringan terkontrol untuk melihat performansinya yang diukur
dengan melihat jumlah false positive dan true positive yang dihasilkan.Kata Kunci : artificial immune system, biological immune system, intrusion detection system, anomaly-based, detection, self, non-selfABSTRACT: It is believed that many of the mechanisms present in the biological immune
system are well suited for adoption to the field of computer intrusion detection, in
the form of artificial immune systems because the human immune system
provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading pathogens,
in a robust, self-organized and distributed manner.
In this final assessment, adaptation of mechanisms in the biological
immune system is designed, and it will be implemented on anomaly-based
network intrusion detection system.
This network intrusion detection will be tested on both real network traffic and
controlled network area for measuring their performance through examines the
true and false positive generated by them.Keyword: artificial immune system, biological immune system, intrusion detection system, anomaly-based, detection, self, non-self.




Desain dan Implementasi
Pendekatan Artificial Immune System pada Network
Intrusion Detection System
Design and Implementation of
Artificial Immune System Aproach
for Network Intrusion Detection System


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Agra Rizqa Cendrajaya
Tri Brotoharsono, Suyanto


Universitas Telkom




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