Heni Jayanti Sutadi

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Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Kapasitas merupakan hal yang sangat penting pada suatu operator, karena kapasitas merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan jumlah pelanggan dan kualitas layanan. Selain kapasitas, kualitas layanan juga dipengaruhi oleh coverage area serta jenis layanan yang digunakan oleh user. Masalah yang dihadapi pada saat ini adalah peningkatan jumlah user, namun tidak sebanding dengan jumlah NodeB. Oleh karena itu, upgrade kapasitas merupakan suatu langkah optimasi NodeB tanpa menambahkan NodeB baru.

Upgrade jaringan 3G dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan spreading factor, catu daya ataupun channel element. Sebagai pertimbangan suatu NodeB perlu upgrade atau tidak, dilihat berdasarkan nilai statistik jumlah dan tipe congestion pada NodeB melalui data RNC. Selain itu, pertimbangan upgrade juga melihat kondisi kualitas RF dengan melakukan walk test berdasarkan parameter RSCP (Receive Signal Code Power) dan Ec/No (Energy Carrier Per Noise). Pada Tugas Akhir ini tipe congestion yang melebihi standar KPI adalah channel element, sehingga optimalisasi perlu dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah trafik maksimum dengan menggunakan formula Erlang B. Setelah dilakukan proses upgrade, maka untuk melihat hasil performansiya dapat melalui statistik dan walk test. Sementara untuk perubahan kualitas layanan data yang diterima user dilihat dari parameter throughput.

Ketika sebelum diupgrade, jumlah congestion maksimum 53 dan dropcall data maksimum 3,3%. Sementara untuk kualitas coverage diperoleh RSCPmax -52 dBm dan RSCPmin -83 dBm dengan Ec/Nomax -7 dB dan Ec/Nomin -16,5 dB. Selain itu kualitas kapasitas menunjukkan throughput rata-rata 99,06982 Kbps. Setelah melakukan upgrade, congestion bernilai 7 mengalami penurunanan 76,67% dengan nilai dropcall data 1,93%. Sedangkan kualitas coverage menunjukkan RSCPmax -62 dBm dan RSCPmin -76dBm dengan Ec/Nomax -4 dB dan Ec/Nomin -13dB. Throughput rataratanya naik 94,95% sehingga menjadi 1,98 Mbps untuk kualitas kapasitasnya.Kata Kunci : Channel element, walk test, congestion, dropcall data, Ec/No, RSCP, throughput, jaringan 3G, Erlang BABSTRACT: Capacity is a very important thing in opertor, because the capacity is a factor that determines the number of user and the quality of service. Beside capacity, the quality of service is also affected by the coverage area and the types of services that used by the user. Problems encountered at this time is an increasing the number of users, but it does not proportional to the number of NodeB. Therefore, upgrade capacity was an optimization step NodeB without adding new NodeB.

3G network upgrade can be done by adding the spreading factor, the power supply or the channel element. As consideration of a need to upgrade or not NodeB, seen by the value of the congestion statistics on the number and type of NodeB via RNC. In addition, consideration upgrade is also seen the quality of the condition RF by doing walk test based on parameters RSCP (Received Signal Code Power) and Ec / No (Energy Per Carrier Noise). At this final project, type of congestion that exceeds the standard KPI is a channel element, so that the optimization needs to be done based on the maximum amount of traffic using the formula Erlang B. After the upgrade process, to see the results of it’s performance to be able through statistical and test drive. As for changes in the quality of data received service user seen from the throughput parameter.

As before expandable, the maximum amount of congestion 53 and maximum data dropcall 3.3%. As for the quality of the coverage obtained RSCPmax -52 dBm and RSCPmin -83 dBm with Ec/Nomax -7 dB and Ec/Nomin -16.5 dB. In addition the quality of capacity shows the throughput of the average is 99.06982 Kbps. After the upgrade, the value of congestion is 7 and decrease until 76,67% with data dropcall value 1.93%. While the quality of the coverage shows RSCPmax -62 dBm and RSCPmin -76dBm with Ec/Nomax -4 dB and Ec/Nomin-13dB. The average of throughput increase 94,95% and become 1.98 Mbps the average throughput for the quality of capacity.Keyword: Channel element, walk test, congestion, dropcall of data, Ec/No, RSCP, throughput, 3G network , Erlang B


Transmisi Telkom




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Heni Jayanti Sutadi
Uke Kurniawan Usman, Yus Ahmad Yusuf Harosi


Universitas Telkom




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