ABSTRAKSI: Keberadaan sebuah filter pada perangkat merupakan hal yang sangat penting, karena filter berfungsi untuk melewatkan frekuensi tertentu dengan meloloskan sinyal frekuensi yang diinginkan (pass band) dan meredam frekuensi yang tidak diinginkan (stop band).
Pada tugas akhir ini telah dirancang dan direalisasikan sebuah prototipe bandpass filter interdigital berbasis mikrostrip dengan substrat Epoxy atau FR4 yang mempunyai εr = 4.4 dan tinggi substrat 1.65 mm. Bentuk karakteristik redaman filter BPF interdigital dirancang berdasarkan pendekatan matematis Chebychev (equal ripple.). Filter diuji dengan menggunakan Network Analyzer. Adapun hasil pengukuran dari karakteristik BPF ini adalah : frekuensi tengah 2300 MHz dengan bandwidth 150 MHz (pada 5.72 dB), insertion loss 4.822 dB, return loss 24.443, VSWR = 2.317 2 (input) dan VSWR = 1.373 2 (output) , perubahan fasa terhadap frekuensi konstan, dan impedansi terminal 47.899 Ω + j 13.169 Ω (input) dan 47.469 Ω + j 5.950 Ω (output).
Kata Kunci : Mikrostrip, Interdigital Band Pass Filter, chebyshev.ABSTRACT: The presence of an filter at device is very important, because it serves as a used to pass certain frequency by allowing the frequency signal that is wanted (pass band) and attenuating the unwanted signal (stop band).
In this final project has been designed and realized a Interddigital bandpass filter based on microstrip with Epoxy substrate or FR-4 that has εr = 4.4 and 1.65mm height. The shape of interdigital BPF attenuation characteristic was designed based on mathematical approximation Chebychev (equal ripple). Filter was tested using Network Analyzer. The measure result from BPF characteristic is : center frequency 2300 MHz with bandwidth 150 MHz (at 5.72 dB), insertion loss 4.822 dB, VSWR = 2.317 2 (input) dan VSWR = 1.373 2 (output), the change of phase with frequency is constant, and terminal impedance 47.899 Ω + j 13.169 Ω (input) dan 47.469 Ω + j 5.950 Ω (output).
Keyword: Kata Kunci : Mikrostrip, Interdigital Band Pass Filter, chebyshev.