DESAIN INTERKONEKSI ANTAR PLC (PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER) OMRON, SIEMENS DAN FESTO Design Interconnection Between PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Omron, Siemens And Festo


Informasi Dasar

Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi otomasi industri, sistem otomasi industri telah mulai mengambil alih sistem manual dan semi manual. Selain itu dibutuhkan fleksibilitas dan programabilitas dari sistem otomasi industri tersebut agar memberikan kemudahan dalam pengoperasian dan perawatannya. Dan juga dibutuhkan kemudahan dalam mengontrol dan mengawasi seluruh proses produksi dalam jaringan secara real time.
Teknologi PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) digunakan untuk memenuhi tuntutan adanya fleksibilitas dan programabilitas. Kebutuhan untuk pengawasan kendali proses dan mesin oleh PLC dan mengelola data selama proses berlangsung, membawa lahirnya konsep SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).Konsep SCADA mencakup komunikasi data, manajemen data, pengawasan, dan kendali terhadap PLC. Sistem SCADA dan PLC inilah yang menjadi jantung otomasi industri saat ini.
Pada Tugas Akhir ini akan didesain sistem interkoneksi protokol komunikasi data beberapa PLC yang berbeda merk, yaitu PLC OMRON tipe CSG1-H, PLC SIEMENS tipe S7-200, PLC FESTO tipe FC20. Masing - masing PLC dihubungkan ke serial port pada komputer kontrol dan hubungan komputer ke komputer menggunakan protokol TCP/IP. Sistem interkoneksi ini dimaksudkan untuk mempermudah sistem pengontrolan, manajemen data dan pengawasan seluruh proses produksi secara terintegrasi. Perancangan interkoneksi antar PLC yang berbeda merk ini dilakukan dengan bantuan software Visual Basic 6.0.Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: Along with expanding the industrial automaiton technology, industrial automation system have started to take over manual system and semi manual. Beside that matter required by flexibility and programmable from system of industry automation in order to give amenity in operation and treatment. As well as requiring of amenity in control and monitor production process in a network with real time.
PLC technology (Pogrammable Logic Controller) used to fulfill demand of flexibility and programmability. While monitor conduct of process and machine, data management is during process by PLC, bringing to born concept of SCADA (Supervisory and Data Acquisition), that is system including data communication, data management, monitoring, and conduct to PLC. This SCADA system and PLC become heart form modern industry automation in this time.
In this final project will be design interconnection system of data communication protocol form different types of PLC, such as PLC OMRON with type CSG1-H, PLC SIEMENS with type S7-200, PLC FESTO with type FC20. Each of PLC is connected to serial port in computer control and computer to other computer using TCP/IP format. This system is focused to give amenity to control, monitor, data acquisition and treatment production process in intregrated system. This application is made form Visual Basic 6.0.Keyword:




DESAIN INTERKONEKSI ANTAR PLC (PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER) OMRON, SIEMENS DAN FESTO Design Interconnection Between PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Omron, Siemens And Festo


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Universitas Telkom




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