ABSTRAKSI: Filter adalah suatu perangkat yang digunakan untuk menyaring daerah frekuensi kerja dengan meloloskan sinyal frekuensi yang diinginkan (pass band) dan meredam diluar sinyal frekuensi yang tidak diinginkan (stop band). Frekuensi yang dilewatkan pada perangkat ini sesuai dengan jenis filter yang digunakan dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Berdasarkan daerah frekuensi yang diloloskan, filter dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu : LPF (Low Pass Filter), BPF (Band Pass Filter), HPF (High Pass Filter), dan BSF (Band Stop Filter).
Proposal Proyek Akhir ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan merealisasikan sebuah filter jenis BPF (Band Pass Filter) dengan rentang frekuensi antara 2300 MHz – 2390MHz atau frekuensi WiMAX (standart IEEE 802.16) . Bentuk karakteristik redaman filter dirancang berdasarkan respon selective filters with single pair of transmission zeros menggunakan metode Dissimilar Resonator, yaitu menggunakan dua resonator, UIR ( Uniform Impedance Resonator ), dan SIR ( Stepped Impedance Resonator ). Saluran mikrostrip adalah saluran transmisi yang terdiri dari strip konduktor (patch) dan groundplane yang dipisahkan oleh substrat dengan karakteristik bahan tertentu . Patch dan groundplane yang digunakan berasal dari bahan tembaga dengan tebal 0.035 mm, dengan substrat Duroid Rogers 4003 yang mempunyai εr = 3.38 dan tinggi substrat 0.813 mm.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kinerja dan karakteristik prototipe yang telah dibuat, maka filter diuji dengan menggunakan Network Analyzer. Adapun parameter yang diuji dari prototipe filter tersebut adalah respon frekuensi filter, Bandwidth, Perubahan fasa, Standing Wave Ratio, Insertion Loss, Return Loss dan Impedansi Terminal. Adapun hasil pengukuran dari karakteristik BPF ini adalah: frekuensi tengah 2345 MHz dengan bandwidth 169 MHz (pada 8.067 dB), insertion loss 9.092 dB, VSWR ≤ 1.5. Perubahan fasa terhadap frekuensi tidak konstan, dan impedansi terminal 43.164 – j4.214 Ω (input) dan 54.253 + j2.295 Ω (output).Kata Kunci : Band Pass Filter, Microstrip, Dissimilar Resonator, Uniform Impedance,Resonator, Stepped Impedance Resonator, Bandwidth, Standing Wave Ratio,Insertion Loss, Return Loss.ABSTRACT: Filter is a device used to filter the operating frequency with the desired frequency pass (pass band) and damp out unwanted frequencies (stop band). The frequency that is passed through this device is matched with the filter that is used with different characterictic. Based on the frequency region passed, filters can be divided into several types, namely: LPF (Low Pass Filter), BPF (Band Pass Filter), HPF (High Pass Filter), and BSF (Band Stop Filter).
This Final Project was aimed for designing and realizing a BPF (band pass filter) with frequency range 2300 MHz – 2390 MHz or WiMAX frequency ( standart IEEE 802.16 ). Shape of damping characteristics filter was designed based on respon selective filters with single pair of transmission zeros using Dissimilar Resonator Methods. It was using two resonator, UIR ( Uniform Impedance Resonator ) and SIR ( Stepped Impedance Resonator ). Microstripe channel is a transmission channel that consists of conductor stripe (patch) and ground plane that is separated by substrate with certain material characteristic. Patch and ground plane used was made from copper with 0.035 mm thick, with Duroid Rogers 4003 substrate that has εr = 3.38 and 0.813 mm height.
To get information about the activity and characteristic of the prototype that has been made, this filter was tested using Network Analyzer. The parameter tested from this BPF prototype are Frequency response, Bandwidth, Insertion Loss,the change of phase, Return Loss, Standing Wave Ratio, and terminal impedance. The measurement results from BPF characteristic are: center frequency 2345 MHz with bandwidth 169 MHz (at 8.067 dB), insertion loss 9.092 dB, VSWR 1.5. The change of phase with frequency is did not constant, and terminal impedance 43.164 – j4.214 Ω (input) dan 54.253 + j2.295 Ω (output).Keyword: Band Pass Filter, Microstrip, Dissimilar Resonator, Uniform ImpedanceResonator, Stepped Impedance Resonator, Bandwidth, Standing Wave Ratio,Insertion Loss, Return Loss.