IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering: Volume 21, Nomor 2, March 2013

Hyunchul Kim, Et.all

Informasi Dasar

54 kali
Jurnal Internasional - Reference
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak R2
  1. Kinematic data analysis for post-stroke patients following bilateral versus unilateral rehabilitation with an upper limb wearable robotic system / H. Kim, et al.

  2. Robotics and gaming to improve ankle strength, motor control, and function in children with cerebral palsy-a case study series / G.C. Burdea, et al.

  3. Using a hybrid brain computer interface and virtual reality system to monitor and promote cortical reorganizarion through motor activity and motor imagery training / S. Bermudez i Badia, et al.

  4. Effectiveness of executive function training within a virtual supermarket for adults with traumatic brain injury: A pilot study / M. Jacoby, et al.

  5. Head stabilization shows visual and inertial dependence during passive stimulation: implications for virtual rahabilitation / W.G. Wright, et al.

  6. Visuomotor discordance during visually-guided hand movement in virtual reality modulates sensorimotor cortical activity in healthy and hemiparetic subjects / E. Tunik, S. Saleh, S.V. Adamovich

  7. Design and development of a virtual dolphionarium for children with autism / Y. Cai, et al.

  8. Postural responses of adults with celebral palsy to combined base of support and visual field rotation / J.C. Slaboda R.T. Lauer, E.A. Keshner

  9. Real time metal arithmetic task recognition from EEG signals / Q. Wang, O. Sourina

  10. Spatial-temporal discriminant analysis for ERP-based-brain-computer interface / Y. Zhang, et al.

  11. Interaction of Oscillations, and Their Suppression via Deep Brain timulation, in a Model of the Cortico-Basal Ganglia Network / G. Kang, M.M. Lowery

  12. An Adaptive-Gain Complementary Filter for Real-Time Human Motion Tracking With MARG Sensors in Free Living Enviroments / Y. Tian, H. Wei, J. Tan

  13. EMG Signal Decomposition Using Motor Unit Potential Train Validity / H. Parsaei, D.W. Stashuk

  14. Novel Vibration-Exercise Instrument with Dedicated Adaptive Filtering for Electromyographic Investigation of Neuromscular Activation / L. Xu, C. Rabotti, M. Mischi

  15. Quantifying Anti-Gravity Torques for the Design of a Powered Exoskeleton / D. Ragonesi, et al.

  16. A Step Towards Developing Adaptive Robot-Mediated Intervention Architecture (ARIA) for Children with Autism / E.T. Bekele, et al.




Biomedical Engineering


IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering: Volume 21, Nomor 2, March 2013
ISSN: 1534-4320
175p.: il.; 28cm


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Hyunchul Kim, Et.all
Michael Hughes


IEEE (Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers)
New York




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