Reflections and Perspectives on Accessing Informal Finance and Social Capital

Beverly J. Best, Katerina Nicolopoulou, Paul Lassalle, Henry Eze, Afsa Mukasa

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81 kali
Case Studies
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 8a
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 4

This case study aims to create a platform for classroom conversations around: context of entrepreneurship in informal economies, challenges of accessing finance, women entrepreneurship, opportunities of digital entrepreneurship and resource acquisition and social capital. Overall, this case study intends to inspire and cultivate additional voices to advance authentic understanding of informal business practices in the financial sector that go beyond traditional formal western settings. This case study is based on a true story relating to the “sou-sou” financing system – an informal financing scheme – originating from West Africa which has been transported to other parts of the world including Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and other parts of Africa. The characters involve Maria, the main protagonist; Eunice, from LAC; and Fidelia from West Africa. With first-hand information from Eunice and Fidelia, Maria learnt about the ideological principles and the offerings of flexibility, trust, mutual benefits and kinship of the sou-sou system and was inspired to integrate digital technologies as a sustainable game changer for accessing microfinance. This case study draws on the contextual understanding of the economy in the Global South as well as the gender-based aspects of entrepreneurship as key aspects of women entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurship. The sou-sou system is presented as a practical solution to the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the Global South to access finances, and the integration of digital technologies is considered instrumental not only in reinforcing the traditional system but also in transforming the entrepreneurial prospects for these women.




Reflections and Perspectives on Accessing Informal Finance and Social Capital
ISSN: 2045-0621
7p.: pdf file.; 74 KB


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Beverly J. Best, Katerina Nicolopoulou, Paul Lassalle, Henry Eze, Afsa Mukasa


Emerald Publishing Limited
New York




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