In the competitive world of India’s quick-service restaurants industry, Shilpa Bhatt Bahuguna, the young entrepreneur behind “Pizza Italia,” aimed to secure the top spot in Uttarakhand. Despite facing setbacks by closing six out of the eight outlets during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bahuguna’s focus on product quality and localization had garnered word-of-mouth publicity for her brand. Now, with a limited budget for promotions, Bahuguna sought below-the-line strategies to ensure profitability and success for new outlets. Her determination to establish Pizza Italia as an indigenous brand and her plans for global expansion through franchising reflected her vision for growth and impact in the market. With her entrepreneurial spirit, Bahuguna remained poised to achieve even greater success in the future. Bahuguna aimed to leverage her product quality and word-of-mouth promotion to capture the market. She planned to expand her brand globally and open new outlets in Uttarakhand and London. However, Bahuguna was challenged to promote her brand on a limited budget, favoring “below-the-line” strategies.