Human resources (HR) recruitment strategy is
vital for companies to compete; recruiting suitable job applicants
is an exhaustive and complex process. HR can identify job
applicants effectively and efficiently with the help of information
and communication technology. There is fierce competition
between companies following the advancement of the digital
industry. Currently, it is possible to identify prospective job
applicants using a personality measurement based on an ontology
model using social media data. The development of the ontology
model with the addition of 2399 corpus ontologies resulted in
accurate and diverse personality analysis. Therefore this
ontology model is proposed to analyze personality effectively and
affordable based on sizeable textual data. The subjects of this study
are 5 Twitter users whose data is available on social media. We
collect their tweets to characterize their expression or opinion.
Textual data from those users totaling 3744 data is processed
with an ontology model for measuring personality based on the
Big Five Personality Traits. This research shows that job
applicants have different dominant personalities such as
Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness.
The personality possessed by these job applicants is accurate
based on the validation and verification by the psychologists or
domain experts. This approach is helpful for the HR department
in terms of knowing job applicants' personalities and deepening
their understanding of personality.