Tracer studies are employed to evaluate the effectiveness of school education. SMA Negeri 1 Kediri Tabanan currently utilizes a Google Form-based tracer study to gather data from the alums. However, the low participation rate in completing the data collection needs to improve the evaluation of educational programs and the improvement of the school curriculum. Additionally, the school needs more information regarding the success of its students. This is because application users, namely alums, lack the motivation to complete the tracer study form. Moreover, the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) measures user motivation in the tracer study of SMAN 1 Kediri Tabanan in four categories: intrinsic motivation, external regulation, identified regulation, and amotivation. Therefore, this research proposes a solution in the form of a redesign of a web-based tracer study using gamification. The aim of applying gamification is to enhance alum’s motivation in filling out the tracer study form, which SIMS will subsequently measure to compare motivation scores. The SIMS results demonstrate that gamification elements can augment user motivation in the tracer study application. Starting with the category of intrinsic motivation (2.14 to 5.83), identified regulation (2.61 to 6.09), external regulation (3.35 to 5.00), and amotivation (6.01 to 2.17). The three categories, namely intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, and external regulation, have increased, indicating a rise in motivation, while amotivation has decreased in value. An Amotivation implies that a smaller value corresponds to a higher level of motivation.