This book explores programming the Internet of Things (IoT). Its first part features an explanation of what the IoT is and the companies behind it. You will also learn how this technology may change the world. You are then guided on how to program the connected devices in the IoT. In most cases, the IoT involves the use of physical devices, which are connected electrically. You will learn how to program these, in both the Python and Arduino programming languages. After reading this book, you will know how to program in Raspberry Pi by use of both the C and Python programming languages. Raspberry Pi uses the Raspbian OS (operating system). It is good for you to know how to set this up and then perform a number of tasks. This book shows you that the IoT is a very flexible technology. This book guides you on how to create your apps using the IoT, Windows, and Galileo. You are also guided on how to implement a temperature controller in the IoT.
The following topics are discussed in this book:
- What is the IOT?
- Programming Connected Devices
- Programming Raspberry Pi with C and Python
- Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS
- Galileo, Windows, and the IOT
- IOT Temperature Controller