Leverage big data to add value to your business
Social media analytics, web-tracking, and other technologieshelp companies acquire and handle massive amounts of data to betterunderstand their customers, products, competition, and markets.Armed with the insights from big data, companies can improvecustomer experience and products, add value, and increase return oninvestment. The tricky part for busy IT professionals andexecutives is how to get this done, and that's where this practicalbook comes in. Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers BigBusiness is a complete how-to guide to leveraging big data todrive business value.
Full of practical techniques, real-world examples, and hands-onexercises, this book explores the technologies involved, as well ashow to find areas of the organization that can take full advantageof big data.
Shows how to decompose current business strategies in order tolink big data initiatives to the organization’s valuecreation processes
Explores different value creation processes and models
Explains issues surrounding operationalizing big data,including organizational structures, education challenges, and newbig data-related roles
Provides methodology worksheets and exercises so readers canapply techniques
Includes real-world examples from a variety of organizationsleveraging big data
Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers Big Business iswritten by one of Big Data's preeminent experts, William Schmarzo.Don't miss his invaluable insights and advice.