This book constitutes revised papers from the International Workshops held at the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2020, during September 13-18, 2020. The conference was planned to take place in Seville, Spain, but changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Papers from the following workshops are included:
Workshop on Security and Privacy-Enhanced Business Process Management (SPBP 2020)
Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management (BPMS2 2020)
Workshop on Business Processes Meet the Internet-of Things (BP-Meet-IoT 2020)
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Business Process Management (AI4BPM 2020)
Workshop BPM in the Era of Digital Innovation and Transformation (BPMinDIT 2020)
Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2020)
Workshop on Declarative, Decision and Hybrid Approaches to Processes (DEC2H 2020)
Each of the seven workshops focused on particular aspects of business process management, either from a technical or from a domain perspective. Overall, after a thorough review process there were 28 full and 1 short paper selected from 53 submissions.