This edition marks a major change in focus that reflects the consolidation of the previous two
volumes into one. The emphasis is now exclusively on financial accounting. This change, and the
resulting increased focus on company accounting and International GAAP within the text, were
made in response to the comments of reviewers of the previous edition, who felt this was what
we should be focusing on.
This textbook has been written to provide a very thorough introduction to accounting. Anyone
seeking to obtain a good grounding in financial accounting will find this book suitable to their
needs. This includes those studying accounting on courses at school, college or university; or
studying for qualifications from the LCCI, Association of Accounting Technicians, the Institute
of Secretaries and Administrators; or for qualifications of any of the six UK and Irish Chartered
Accountancy bodies. The financial accounting requirements for National Vocational Qualifications and Scottish Vocational Qualifications are also fully covered.
This textbook presents your topics in what has been found to be the most appropriate sequencing
to build the foundations of your accounting knowledge. You will find that a number of features
of the book, properly used, will enhance your understanding and extend your ability to cope with
what will possibly appear, at first, to be a mystifying array of rules and procedures.