Probably partly in reason of the diversification of the applications over the last
years, the worldwide research about RCs reaches a new level of maturity. The purpose
of this book is to provide, in a compact volume, a thorough presentation by some of
the most world renowned RC researchers of a few “recent advances and innovative
applications.” However, this book is not exhaustive and I offer in advance my apologies
to the authors having published recently interesting works! It is worth noting that,
even some material in this book is new, much of it is a restatement of results already
published (recently of course) in the literature.
I hope that this book can contribute, at its level, to the increase of interest about
this fascinating facility and will convince more and more persons, laboratories and
companies to work on it!
This book is composed of nine different chapters which can be sorted in three
categories. The first three chapters deal with the fundamental topic of characterization (or
calibration) of an RC, an important task to be performed before any measurement
or test.