The idea for this book came from several sessions on Mathematical Methods in
Electromagnetics held in recent years at the General Assemblies of the International
Union of Radio Science (URSI) and other URSI-sponsored meetings, including the
Asia-Pacific Radio Science meetings, the Atlantic Radio Science meetings and the
annual International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications. We
invited several of the prominent regular contributors to these sessions to contribute
chapters elucidating some important methods of analysis and applications of contemporary relevance. As already indicated the unifying theme is the application of
advanced or novel mathematical techniques to produce analytical solutions or effective
analytical–numerical methods. A further aim is to encourage the continued investigation of important problems in electromagnetics with these and related procedures
and to further the development of these tools. Accordingly, the book consists of a
number of chapters authored by different experts, addressing a number of themes in
electromagnetics. All manuscripts were prepared by the authors themselves and no
attempt has been made to establish a uniformly common notation.