The population in Indonesia is increasing every year, not only is the population increasing but the
population death rate is increasing every year, both due to accidents, illness, unhealthy lifestyles, crime,
and so forth. Judging from this it is necessary for public awareness to use insurance services that can
support the possibilities that might be possible in the future. But public awareness of the importance of
insurance services is still very low. That is because insurance services are still considered not the main
needs. In this case the role of marketing is an important role, so that insurance companies can offer
insurance services. Lots of insurance services that offer a variety of different benefits for consumers both
in terms of price, product differentiation, quality, customer loyalty, facilities offered, and so forth. The
insurance service companies include Prudential, Bumi Putera, Axa Mandiri, AIA Financial, and others.
The number of companies engaged in insurance services and the still lack of public awareness of the
importance of insurance services, makes the compiler interested in conducting research on "Analysis of
Reference Group Influences on Purchasing Decisions in Insurance Services" which aims to determine
whether there are reference group factors that influence public purchasing decisions. insurance services.
Keywords: Reference Group, consumer purchasing decisions