This book is broken down into three major parts. The fi rst part, Chapters 1 to 3,
discusses the principles of strategic planning and how it relates to project management, the definition of project management maturity, and the need for customization.
The second part, Chapters 4 to 9, details the project management maturity model
(PMMM), which will provide organizations with general guidance on how to perform
strategic planning for project management. The various levels, or stages of development, for achieving project management maturity, and the accompanying assessment
instruments, can be used to validate how far along the maturity curve the organization
has progressed. The PMMM has been industry validated. One large company requires
that, each month, managers and executives take the assessment instruments and then
verify that progress toward maturity is taking place from reporting period to reporting period. Other companies have used PMMM to assess the corporation’s knowledge
level regarding project management as well as a means for assessing the needs for a
project management offi ce, a best practices library, external and internal benchmarking, and the identifi cation of the type of project management training needed. Options
exist for customization in the various levels