In this groundbreaking book, author Catherine Scherer focuses on the critical characteristics of successful global-facing professionals. She identi? es the ? ve key practices of successful “internationalists” and posits that acknowledging their unique capabilities and valuing those characteristics will have a profound effect on corporate mind-set and how global companies plan and execute the human element of their cross-border strategies. Using ? rst-person interviews and case studies, she illustrates the role of the internationalist and the results for global companies that recognize the importance of internationalists in leadership roles. Based on academic research and extensive interviews with international executives on four continents, The Internationalists identi? es the human problems common to international business ventures and analyzes them for lessons learned. From there, Scherer outlines human resources strategies for creating thoughtful and sensible international projects using the talents of those most capable of successfully carrying out cross-border ventures. A “must read” for executives, global leadership teams, senior human resources professionals, international project managers, and anyone contemplating an international career.
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