This volume presents an overview of fluid how and heat exchange.
In the broad sense, fluids are materials that are able to how under the right
conditions. These include all sorts of things: pipeline gases, coal slurries, toothpaste,
gases in high-vacuum systems, metallic gold, soups and paints, and, of
course, air and water. These materials are very different types of fluids, and so it
is important to know the different classifcations of fuids, how each is to be
analyzed (and these methods can be quite different), and where a particular fluid
its into this broad picture.
This book treats fluids in this broad sense, including flows in packed beds and
fluidized beds. Naturally, in so small a volume, we do not go deeply into the study of
any particular type of how; however, we do show how to make a start with each. We
avoid supersonic how and the complex subject of multiphase ?ow, where each of
the phases must be treated separately.