Work as a fisherman is not considered a high economic value of work, so the stereotype of poor society is generally inherent to the coastal communities in Indonesia. Poverty suffered by fishermen is influenced by various factors, one of which is a very long fishing trade chain. This condition makes the fishermen tend to be mocked through price pressures by the middlemen who provide capital. This situation is exploited by PT. ARUNA to provide a solution for less effective fisheries schemes. On the basis of the development of information and communication technology PT. Aruna seeks to provide distribution efficiency with technology utilization. The main purpose is to improve the prosperity of coastal communities. In this study, the researcher examines the innovation-decision process of the fishermen communities of Tanjung Batu Village, East Kalimantan as one of the areas in the development of PT. Aruna. This research uses qualitative research method with data retrieval process through interview and field observation. The results of this study aim to explain the fisherment communities process in making decision to adopt innovations.