Marketing activities on the company are very important, where the success or failure in the product
sales process is the end result of marketing activities. The more successful of the marketing process
will have an impact on the sale of products that can generate profits from a company. Internal
marketing is a line that connects employees and banks. External Marketing is a line that connects
customers and banks. Furthermore, Interactive Marketing is a line that connects employees and
customers. This research is looking for the influence of internal marketing (IM), external
marketing (EM), and interactive marketing (ITM) on the decision to become customers of Bank
Mandiri in Bandung. The research method used quantitative method with Multiple Linear
Regression. The sampling method used was purposive sampling with the number of respondents
as many as 400 people. From the results of the study, the contribution of internal marketing (X1),
external marketing (X2), and interactive marketing (X3) variables have a simultaneous influence
on the customer decision variable (Y) of 0.894 or 89.4%. The remaining 10.6% is influenced by
other factors that cannot be explained in this study.
Keywords: Internal Marketing (IM), External Marketing (EM), Interactive Marketing (ITM),
Purchasing Decision