MS Excel—Let’s advance to the Next Level’ is an attempt to take you to the next orbit of competence in this fascinating world. It is a ready reckoner for any practitioner who seeks to further his/her understanding of the tools and utilities. MS Excel offers to make life easier for a data analyst. Thus, it will be of relevance to students, academicians, the ones pursuing corporate careers as well as entrepreneurs preparing business plans for their startups. The book explains a wide array of complex functions, ranging from V-LOOKUP to MATCH/INDEX and Pivot Tables in very practical, simple, and implementable manner. Also the segments on Conditional Formatting and printing tricks will help you better present the output to stakeholders. Do try the features Excel has on offer for controlling data input as well as creating checks and balances to ensure cell/sheet/file-level security. You will get the most out of this book if you can use this as a workbook and simultaneously practice the functions on the computer. It is for this purpose that we have appended screenshots for each function. Take each function as a mini case study and try to analyze how you can apply it in making more sense of the enormous data at your disposal. Once you are through all the modules, I am sure, you will emerge as a more efficient person on the work-front.
Advanced Excel Formulas, Big Data processing, Microsoft Excel Basics, Microsoft Excel Latest Version, Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet,
Microsoft Office, MS Excel Keyboard Shortcuts, MS Excel