Business Research Reporting addresses the essential activities of locating, collecting, evaluating, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting of business data. This book is for you if you are
• A business administrator or other professional who must gather original or published data; convert them into objective, organized information; and convey it to others, in or outside your organization. • An MBA candidate or upper-level student in any professional field in which research is emphasized.
This practical, applied book includes the following useful features:
• Begins each chapter with a case that sets the stage for the discussion that follows. • Discusses research as a reduction process: raw data reduced to information sets, sets reduced to major findings, and findings reduced to conclusions and recommendations. • Explains how to know what data are needed and how to evaluate primary and secondary data sources. • Defines essential terms in two glossaries—one for primary data, one for secondary. • Identifies data sampling techniques—including both probability and nonprobability designs. • Describes active and passive data collection methods, including comparisons. • Explains criteria for primary data collection instruments and explains how to test them for use. • Describes how to prepare primary data for statistical or nonstatistical data analysis. • Provides several little-known expedients for web searching. Explores deep-search engines for the invisible web as well as uncommon engines for the visible web.