PT Kimia Farma is a state company engaged in the pharmaceutical and health sector. It was learned that Kimia Farma underwent a transformation from a Health care company to Digital healthcare company so that there was a change in the structure of Kimia Farma. Based on these problems, research was conducted which aims to determine whether the workload of PT Kimia Farma Human Capital Division has been optimal or not in this transformation and to know the optimal number of labor requirements.
This study uses the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) method, is a method of workload analysis that measures the length of time to complete work. Based on the results of the study using the FTE method it is known that out of 34 employees only 6 people have optimal workload (FTE 1-1.3), 19 people are under workload (FTE 0-O.99), and 9 people are overworked (FTE> 1.3) Therefore the Human Capital strategy that must be done is recruitment and training and development of employees to optimize the employees of PT Kimia Farma Human Capital Division.
The Human Capital Division can carry out several strategies to optimize the number of employees such as adding 2 new employees to be placed in the human capital organization's apprentice because his FTE score was too large (FTE: 2,853) so he needed one more person to be in that position, and was also placed in a performance management supervisor because his FTE score is too large too (FTE: 2.429). The Human Capital Division can also conduct training and development for its employees because there can be many employees who are not optimal because of the lack of training and development.
Key Words: Workload, Full Time Equivalent, Human Capital Strategy.