The birth of a work of art is always motivated by various problems that occur in society. Appearance can be a representation and abstraction from reality . With regard art as a sub- system in the culture , it can be clearly seen its function in human life . Every society , although a small group still has its own way of manifesting their art . As a form of cultural creativity , art exists as a cultural phenomenon . With various forms of art and expression patterns , tend to be different in every culture aesthetic expression difference has given form and expression patterns that are characteristic of man-made artwork . Art as a potential cultural identity of a nation represents . Identity politics in the realm of culture , or more specifically in the politics of art is a condition in which politics and the arts have historically always interrelated . In theory , art and its aesthetic values can have a strong link with and other things such as religion , economics , social structure , politics , education and others. Politics . can change the culture and make it survive or thrive . In this case , feels it is important to pay attention closely interwoven between cultures , especially the values and political identity as something inseparable . This paper presents an overview of the construction of identity takes place on Batik Semarangan . Construction of identity can not be separated from the accompanying political strategy in order to display the image of the area that has unique artistic expression and embodiment characterized Semarang in batik art . Explain how the relationship between the existence of batik in Semarang with the political role of local government as a political plan of the identity in the arts in Semarang.
Keywords : Identity , politics , art , Batik Semarangan